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EKS module

Upstream configuration

EKS module is also upstream and allow to deploy an EKS cluster which supports:

  • managed node pools
  • self managed node groups using launch template

tEKS uses EKS managed node groups by default and use one node pool per availability zone.

You can use any inputs from the upstream module to configure the cluster in eks/terragrunt.hcl.

See all available feature here

include "root" {
  path           = find_in_parent_folders()
  expose         = true
  merge_strategy = "deep"

include "vpc" {
  path           = "../../../../../../dependency-blocks/vpc.hcl"
  expose         = true
  merge_strategy = "deep"

include "ebs_encryption" {
  path           = "../../../../../../dependency-blocks/ebs-encryption.hcl"
  expose         = true
  merge_strategy = "deep"

locals {
  aws_vpc_cni_version = "1.12.1"
  cluster_name        = include.root.locals.full_name

  mng_tags = merge(

terraform {
  source = ""

  after_hook "kubeconfig" {
    commands = ["apply"]
    execute  = ["bash", "-c", "aws eks update-kubeconfig --name ${include.root.locals.full_name} --kubeconfig ${get_terragrunt_dir()}/kubeconfig 2>/dev/null"]

  after_hook "kube-system-label" {
    commands = ["apply"]
    execute  = ["bash", "-c", "kubectl --kubeconfig ${get_terragrunt_dir()}/kubeconfig label ns kube-system name=kube-system --overwrite"]

  after_hook "undefault-gp2" {
    commands = ["apply"]
    execute  = ["bash", "-c", "kubectl --kubeconfig ${get_terragrunt_dir()}/kubeconfig patch storageclass gp2 -p '{\"metadata\": {\"annotations\":{\"\":\"false\"}}}'"]

  after_hook "vpc-cni-prefix-delegation" {
    commands = ["apply"]
    execute  = ["bash", "-c", "kubectl --kubeconfig ${get_terragrunt_dir()}/kubeconfig set env daemonset aws-node -n kube-system ENABLE_PREFIX_DELEGATION=true"]

  after_hook "vpc-cni-prefix-warm-prefix" {
    commands = ["apply"]
    execute  = ["bash", "-c", "kubectl --kubeconfig ${get_terragrunt_dir()}/kubeconfig set env daemonset aws-node -n kube-system WARM_PREFIX_TARGET=1"]

generate "provider-local" {
  path      = ""
  if_exists = "overwrite"
  contents  = file("../../../../../../provider-config/eks/")

inputs = {

  aws = {
    "region" = include.root.locals.merged.aws_region

  tags = merge(

  manage_aws_auth_configmap = true

  cluster_name                   = local.cluster_name
  cluster_version                = "1.26"
  cluster_enabled_log_types      = ["api", "audit", "authenticator", "controllerManager", "scheduler"]
  cluster_endpoint_public_access = true

  cluster_addons = {
    coredns = {
      addon_version = "v1.9.3-eksbuild.2"
    kube-proxy = {
      addon_version = "v1.26.2-eksbuild.1"
    vpc-cni = {
      addon_version = "v1.12.6-eksbuild.1"

  vpc_id                   = dependency.vpc.outputs.vpc_id
  control_plane_subnet_ids = dependency.vpc.outputs.intra_subnets

  cloudwatch_log_group_retention_in_days = 365

  node_security_group_enable_recommended_rules = true

  node_security_group_additional_rules = {
    ingress_self_all = {
      from_port = 0
      to_port   = 0
      protocol  = "-1"
      type      = "ingress"
      self      = true
    ingress_cluster_all = {
      from_port                     = 0
      to_port                       = 0
      protocol                      = "-1"
      type                          = "ingress"
      source_cluster_security_group = true
    ingress_node_port_tcp_1 = {
      from_port        = 1025
      to_port          = 5472 # Exclude calico-typha port 5473
      protocol         = "tcp"
      type             = "ingress"
      cidr_blocks      = [""]
      ipv6_cidr_blocks = ["::/0"]
    ingress_node_port_tcp_2 = {
      from_port        = 5474
      to_port          = 10249 # Exclude kubelet port 10250
      protocol         = "tcp"
      type             = "ingress"
      cidr_blocks      = [""]
      ipv6_cidr_blocks = ["::/0"]
    ingress_node_port_tcp_3 = {
      from_port        = 10251
      to_port          = 10255 # Exclude kube-proxy HCHK port 10256
      protocol         = "tcp"
      type             = "ingress"
      cidr_blocks      = [""]
      ipv6_cidr_blocks = ["::/0"]
    ingress_node_port_tcp_4 = {
      from_port        = 10257
      to_port          = 61677 # Exclude aws-node port 61678
      protocol         = "tcp"
      type             = "ingress"
      cidr_blocks      = [""]
      ipv6_cidr_blocks = ["::/0"]
    ingress_node_port_tcp_5 = {
      from_port        = 61679
      to_port          = 65535
      protocol         = "tcp"
      type             = "ingress"
      cidr_blocks      = [""]
      ipv6_cidr_blocks = ["::/0"]
    ingress_node_port_udp = {
      from_port        = 1025
      to_port          = 65535
      protocol         = "udp"
      type             = "ingress"
      cidr_blocks      = [""]
      ipv6_cidr_blocks = ["::/0"]

  node_security_group_tags = {
    "" = local.cluster_name

  eks_managed_node_group_defaults = {
    tags                = local.mng_tags
    desired_size        = 1
    min_size            = 1
    max_size            = 100
    capacity_type       = "ON_DEMAND"
    platform            = "bottlerocket"
    ami_release_version = "1.13.4-f549851d"
    iam_role_additional_policies = {
      additional = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore"
    ebs_optimized = true
    update_config = {
      max_unavailable_percentage = 33
    resources = {
      ephemeral-storage = "1Gi"
    block_device_mappings = {
      root = {
        device_name = "/dev/xvda"
        ebs = {
          volume_size           = 2
          volume_type           = "gp3"
          delete_on_termination = true
          encrypted             = true
          kms_key_id            = dependency.ebs_encryption.outputs.key_arn
      containers = {
        device_name = "/dev/xvdb"
        ebs = {
          volume_size           = 15
          volume_type           = "gp3"
          delete_on_termination = true
          encrypted             = true
          kms_key_id            = dependency.ebs_encryption.outputs.key_arn

  eks_managed_node_groups = {

    "initial" = {
      ami_type                   = "BOTTLEROCKET_x86_64"
      instance_types             = ["t3a.large"]
      subnet_ids                 = dependency.vpc.outputs.private_subnets
      enable_bootstrap_user_data = true
      bootstrap_extra_args       = <<-EOT
        "max-pods" = ${run_cmd("/bin/sh", "-c", "../../../../../../../tools/ --instance-type t3a.large --cni-version ${local.aws_vpc_cni_version} --cni-prefix-delegation-enabled")}
      labels = {
        network   = "private"
        karpenter = "false"

    "default-a" = {
      ami_type                   = "BOTTLEROCKET_x86_64"
      instance_types             = ["t3a.medium"]
      subnet_ids                 = [dependency.vpc.outputs.private_subnets[0]]
      enable_bootstrap_user_data = true
      bootstrap_extra_args       = <<-EOT
        "max-pods" = ${run_cmd("/bin/sh", "-c", "../../../../../../../tools/ --instance-type t3a.medium --cni-version ${local.aws_vpc_cni_version} --cni-prefix-delegation-enabled")}
      labels = {
        network   = "private"
        karpenter = "false"

    "default-b" = {
      ami_type                   = "BOTTLEROCKET_x86_64"
      instance_types             = ["t3a.medium"]
      subnet_ids                 = [dependency.vpc.outputs.private_subnets[1]]
      enable_bootstrap_user_data = true
      bootstrap_extra_args       = <<-EOT
        "max-pods" = ${run_cmd("/bin/sh", "-c", "../../../../../../../tools/ --instance-type t3a.medium --cni-version ${local.aws_vpc_cni_version} --cni-prefix-delegation-enabled")}
      labels = {
        network   = "private"
        karpenter = "false"

    "default-c" = {
      ami_type                   = "BOTTLEROCKET_x86_64"
      platform                   = "bottlerocket"
      instance_types             = ["t3a.medium"]
      subnet_ids                 = [dependency.vpc.outputs.private_subnets[2]]
      enable_bootstrap_user_data = true
      bootstrap_extra_args       = <<-EOT
        "max-pods" = ${run_cmd("/bin/sh", "-c", "../../../../../../../tools/ --instance-type t3a.medium --cni-version ${local.aws_vpc_cni_version} --cni-prefix-delegation-enabled")}
      labels = {
        network   = "private"
        karpenter = "false"

    "arm-a" = {
      ami_type                   = "BOTTLEROCKET_ARM_64"
      instance_types             = ["t4g.medium"]
      subnet_ids                 = [dependency.vpc.outputs.private_subnets[0]]
      enable_bootstrap_user_data = true
      bootstrap_extra_args       = <<-EOT
        "max-pods" = ${run_cmd("/bin/sh", "-c", "../../../../../../../tools/ --instance-type t4g.medium --cni-version ${local.aws_vpc_cni_version} --cni-prefix-delegation-enabled")}
      labels = {
        network   = "private"
        karpenter = "false"

    "arm-b" = {
      ami_type                   = "BOTTLEROCKET_ARM_64"
      instance_types             = ["t4g.medium"]
      subnet_ids                 = [dependency.vpc.outputs.private_subnets[1]]
      enable_bootstrap_user_data = true
      bootstrap_extra_args       = <<-EOT
        "max-pods" = ${run_cmd("/bin/sh", "-c", "../../../../../../../tools/ --instance-type t4g.medium --cni-version ${local.aws_vpc_cni_version} --cni-prefix-delegation-enabled")}
      labels = {
        network   = "private"
        karpenter = "false"

    "arm-c" = {
      ami_type                   = "BOTTLEROCKET_ARM_64"
      instance_types             = ["t4g.medium"]
      subnet_ids                 = [dependency.vpc.outputs.private_subnets[2]]
      enable_bootstrap_user_data = true
      bootstrap_extra_args       = <<-EOT
        "max-pods" = ${run_cmd("/bin/sh", "-c", "../../../../../../../tools/ --instance-type t4g.medium --cni-version ${local.aws_vpc_cni_version} --cni-prefix-delegation-enabled")}
      labels = {
        network   = "private"
        karpenter = "false"